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"People cannot live together without forgiveness because our imperfections cause us to hurt each other again and again."

That moment, when you can't explain to anyone how you feel because you can't even explain it to yourself... This blog post isn't really important, it's just a post of my random feelings...

When people say that i should stop being a crybaby because the problem is not that big..
Just because my problems are not as big as yours, that doesnt mean that my problems doesnt sting my heart.

the person who reminded you that there is hope, that you really deserve happiness, and that you are not a mistake.. the person who made you feel so special and made you forget all your other problems.. is now the person who breaks your heart.

that person now makes you feel that you dont deserve to exist in this world..

this was the first time that i cried in front my family.. and i hate it when people see me cry, because it makes me feel like im begging for sympathy, it makes me feel weak...
so when you finally see me crying, it means im really hurt..

sometimes you cant always force yourself to be strong, and have the strength to smile in front of others...

this is why i dont like "december."
every year it happens.. and nothing in this world is forever..
i was really hoping that this year would be different..

"keep me in your heart and ill stay there forever."
but when i keep you in my heart, ill cry even harder..
yes our feelings isnt mutual, but you really matter to me..

a classmate of mine shared to the class that friendship is greater than a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. Yes. its true, because they're the ones that are usually there for you when life brings you down.

maybe now, i still cant learn to accept this situation.. maybe ill cry a few more nights..
maybe when i look in the mirror ill ask myself why and then feel that i am less..
but i know that someday, ill forget that this even happened, or just laugh when i remember this in the future..

there is no such thing as perfection in this world.. we cant always have smiles and laughter.
but in every dark times, the sun will always rise up and shine again like nothing happened...

im sorry for that this isnt the blog post that you expected..
this is just a random post

Grace Dajao  Flores


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