When people ask me, "What is your favorite day of the week?", my answer will always be "Sunday" which is a day with God. The rest are "Stressdays". A day that I would spend my time listening to lectures at School, or maybe doing an activity at School. I'm not complaining, I love School! But we can't forget the fact that the day ends with tired-panda-eyes. When I get home from School, I would be greeted by house chores! There is almost no time for myself, when I wake up in the morning, I would never have the "yay" feeling for choosing what to wear for School. A shirt and jeans matched with hackneyed sneakers would be fine, but isn't that way too boring? I don't know what your side is, but to me Fashion is suppose to be in my best friend. A quote by Nina Garcia, made me realize the "power" of accessories. It can either make or break a look. Few days ago, two people gave me this boring bracelets. ...
An amateur blogger, and make-up artist. Life is an adventure. And I am exploring it in my own little way. as I walk my journey in life, I will also share a part of it to you.